About Georges St-Pierre's RUSHFIT

If you want to look like a champion you have to train like one.
Train with Georges St-Pierre and learn the MMA strength and conditioning strategy that's made him one of the fittest athletes on the planet.

GSP uses RUSHFIT to train for the most challenging profession in
sports – MMA Fighting. You can use it to change your life. This MMA conditioning program gives you firsthand access to the secret training approach of a champion – intensity!

No matter what your fitness level, working out 45 minutes a day will help you perform, feel and look better than ever. Everything you need to build muscle, lose weight and get in shape is included in this complete 8-week workout program.

When you’re RUSHFIT you’ll crush your next opponent, whether it’s your waistline or the next welterweight.

Georges brings his MMA training camp right into your home. Workout beside GSP and find out what intensity really means. Whether you’re standing alone or the only one left standing, RUSHFIT will give you a workout with intensity fit for the cage.


GSP RUSHFIT DVDs and Booklets

We’ve created an MMA fitness program that focuses on six primary training areas:
·         Strength
·         Endurance
·         Core Stability
·         Power
·         Flexibility
·         Balance and Agility

Everything you need to take control of your life: 7 high intensity workouts on 6 DVDs complete with 2 training guides to help you manage your nutrition and complete the GSP RUSHFIT training system.


RUSHFIT is an innovative training program that has quickly become a top selling fitness series all over the world. Get ready to train with GSP and find out why RUSHFIT gets results:

The workouts are fast - about 45 minutes each - providing the maximum amount of training in the shortest possible time. Get your workout done and get on with your day.
Calorie afterburn! The unique blend of intense intervals and metabolic conditioning will burn calories long after your workout.

It's MMA training designed for everyone, and the 5 five minute rounds of intense exercise simulate a MMA fight and provide a fun workout.

Minimal equipment - All you need is a small assortment of hand weights or dumbbells, between 5 - 30 lbs. That's it!

You won't get bored or plateau - RUSHFIT is designed so you can increase the difficulty as your strength and conditioning improves.

You will burn fat AND build muscle - most exercise programs are all conditioning or all weight training - RUSHFIT provides both!

GSP does every exercise right along with you! When you're suffering, so is he, which will motivate you to push through the workout.

Try RUSHFIT now risk free for 60 days and experience it for yourself, you will be amazed by the results! For a limited time we're offering FREE SHIPPING for all CDN and USA orders.
TRAIN LIKE A CHAMPION. Over $350 value for only 3 monthly payments of $29.99!


7 RUSHFIT Workouts on Six DVDs: (1) Strength and Endurance, (2) Abdominal Strength & Core Conditioning, (3) The Fight Conditioning Workout, (4) Explosive Power Training, (5) Full Body Strength & Conditioning, and (6) The 2 Bonus Workouts - Balance & Agility and Stretching For Flexibility

3 Different 8 Week Training Calendars - Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
RUSHFIT Nutrition Guide - A comprehensive guide on how to fuel your to maximize results
RUSHFIT Workout Guide - Step by step preparation and tips for your 8 week program.
FREE Collector's Edition 6 DVD Slipcase - Display your RUSHFIT DVDs in style


Build Muscle. Cut Weight. Get in Shape.

The GSP RUSHFIT 8 Week Training Camp includes...


The guidelines in this book are crucial to your success in the RUSHFIT training camp. Step by Step this guide will help transform your fitness in just 8 short weeks. Follow the RUSHFIT workout guide to help you accomplish your goals regardless of sport, fitness level, age, or experience. To increase your performance, follow the guides and training calendars for maximum effect. All the plans and support you need to you achieve your goals. What are you waiting for?


Nutrition is a vital but often overlooked element of a training program. A tough training program puts high demands on your body. Answer the challenge by fueling with the best nutrients to boost your performance and keep you fueled for the right results. It’s as important to any workout program as exercise in order to maximize the return on your workouts. The guidelines in this book will help you increase your endurance and build the strength crucial to moving forward.


Plan your training around your schedule, and choose from one of the 3 workout calendars (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced) that meet your training needs. No matter where you’re coming from – new to working out or a professional MMA fighter - RUSHFIT has the right fitness conditioning program schedule for you. Follow the program and raise your intensity over time to increase your results.


RUSHFIT is designed to challenge you every day for 8 weeks. The ONLY equipment you need is a small assortment of dumbbells or hand-held weights. We recommend sets that range from 2lbs to 25lbs. Regardless of ability level, it is unlikely that you’ll require more than 25lb weights. It’s not how much weight you lift! The secret to the results comes from endurance and strength built up by pushing your body through maximum reps – not maximum weight!

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